About Us

C-Dac is an Innovative Digital Agency

We have a lot of experience, but we’re still young and energetic. We are technically sound and rational, but we are also cost-effective. We are vivaciously creative while yet being realistic and effective. We are the problem-solvers, the achievers, the straightforward and straightforward, the smooth and quick, the trustworthy and transparent!

Our workflow

How do you work C-Dac?

When working on a design project, we always follow a set of steps. This allows us to keep things organized while also providing opportunities for me to speak with our clients regarding the project.

1. Preparing

We typically ask questions and discuss with our clients about their desires in the first phase of the project. We want to obtain a very clear idea of what customers want and require. Only then will we be able to provide a product that is acceptable to both sides.

2. Design

We can begin designing the initial element of the website once we have a general knowledge of the client’s objectives and desires.
We always start with wireframing when working on a large project. This is how I design in greyscale, without the use of colors, graphics, or stylistic options. Then We show our client the design, and if they approve, We go on to the visual design. This is where we’ll fill in the details and bring them to life.

3. Development

When the design is complete and my client is satisfied with the final design, We begin installing the project’s vital elements.
Then we’ll begin building the pages one by one, sending our client preview URLs as we go. This makes it simple for me to gather feedback and ensures that our client receives exactly what they want.

4. Delivery

After all of the pages are completed, we send our client a final preview link. We’ll go over the results and make any necessary changes to make the website great. We’ll go live with the website after a final check and give it the appropriate Google optimization.


Questions I get often

The same questions are frequently asked of us. we’ve put the most common in this section.

Can I edit the websites myself?

Yes! We believe, is one of the characteristics that distinguish us from other website sellers. It’s very simple to modify the text, graphics, and other stuff on the sites since we use the most up-to-date software. You can almost change everything if you want to.

How much do you charge per website?

The final cost is determined by your requirements, as well as the design and functionality. Please use the inquiry page to let us know what you’re looking for.

Who owns the website after you’re done?

You. We do not own any of the website’s content. If you want, I can give you full admin powers, allowing you to do whatever you want with me. You own the website because you paid for it.
The only thing I want is to be able to include the website in my portfolio if I so desire.

How long does it take to finish a website?

It will take about 30 days. This is primarily determined by the various revision cycles that we must complete in order to achieve a satisfactory result.

Have a project you would like to talk about?


📍 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
+1 (825) 706-0007


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